CS61B Review Doc

Created by Yunhao Cao (Github@ToiletCommander) in Fall 2021 for UC Berkeley CS61B.

Reference Notice: Material highly and mostly derived from Prof. Hillfinger's lecture slides, some ideas were borrowed from CS61C Fall 2021 Lectures(Wawrzynek & Weaver) as well as wikipedia lol.


Language Features


Destructive / non-destructive functions

  1. Destructive - means if a parameter is passed in as pointer / reference, the place the parameter is pointed to would be changed
  1. Non-destructive - means if the parameter is passed in as pointer / reference, the place the parameter is pointed to would not changed

Lambda Expressions

Should remind you of a special class Consumer<T>, has signature

class Consumer<T>{
	public void accept(T something);

To implement Consumer<T>, either use:

//Anonymous class expression
Consumer<String> printerLambda = new Consumer<String>(){
	public void accept(String something){


//Single-line lambda expression
Consumer<String> printerLambda = (something) -> System.out.println(something);


//Multi-line lambda expression
Consumer<String> printerLambda = (something) -> {

Static Imports

Say I want to use System.out.println many times, but println is actually a static method, and out is a static class in System, so what do we do?

import static System.out;

And now we can use out.println as many times as we want.


To declare an array of type T, use the following expression

T[] varName = new T[lengthOfArray];

Note that T can be any primitive / class types, including array as an acceptable type!

Some fun things to look at may include:

  1. Accessing Array Elements
//this prints out ith element of varName, i ranging from 0 to varName.length
  1. Copying Array Contents
import java.lang.System;


Note that System.arrayCopy has the following signature

Java.lang.System.arraycopy() Method
The java.lang.System.arraycopy() method copies an array from the specified source array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination array. A subsequence of array components are copied from the source array referenced by src to the destination array referenced by dest.The number of components copied is equal to the length argument.
public static void arraycopy(Object src, int srcPos, Object dest, int destPos, int length)


    src − This is the source array.

    srcPos − This is the starting position in the source array.

    dest − This is the destination array.

    destPos − This is the starting position in the destination data.

    length − This is the number of array elements to be copied.


    IndexOutOfBoundsException − if copying would cause access of data outside array bounds.

    ArrayStoreException − if an element in the src array could not be stored into the dest array because of a type mismatch.

    NullPointerException − if either src or dest is null.

Access modifiers

Determines if a class method(function) / member(variable) can be seen by itself / its sprouts / other classes

We have:

  1. public - can be seen by everyone
  1. protected - can be seen by itself and its sprouts
  1. private - can be only seen by itself

Other modifiers

  1. static - means there's only one instance per class
  1. final - means the value cannot be changed after its construction
  1. default - in an interface declaration you can provide a default implementation for abstract methods.

Some Commonly Used Interfaces / Types in 61B

Comparable (Java Platform SE 8 )
AbstractChronology, AbstractRegionPainter.PaintContext.CacheMode, AccessMode, AclEntryFlag, AclEntryPermission, AclEntryType, AddressingFeature.Responses, Authenticator.RequestorType, BigDecimal, BigInteger, Boolean, Byte, ByteBuffer, Calendar, CertPathValidatorException.BasicReason, Character, Character.UnicodeScript, CharBuffer, Charset, ChronoField, ChronoUnit, ClientInfoStatus, CollationKey, Collector.Characteristics, Component.BaselineResizeBehavior, CompositeName, CompoundName, CRLReason, CryptoPrimitive, Date, Date, DayOfWeek, Desktop.Action, Diagnostic.Kind, Dialog.ModalExclusionType, Dialog.ModalityType, DocumentationTool.Location, Double, DoubleBuffer, DropMode, Duration, ElementKind, ElementType, Enum, File, FileTime, FileVisitOption, FileVisitResult, Float, FloatBuffer,
 * The comparable interface defines a class that can be compared to other classes
 * compares to returns value that < 0 if this item is smaller, = 0 is this item is the
 * same as o, or > 0 is this item is bigger than o
 * In normal settings like int, usually A.compareTo(B) returns A - B;
interface Comparable<T>{
	int compareTo(T o);
Collection (Java Platform SE 8 )
size int size() Returns the number of elements in this collection. If this collection contains more than Integer.MAX_VALUE elements, returns Integer.MAX_VALUE. the number of elements in this collection isEmpty boolean isEmpty() Returns true if this collection contains no elements. true if this collection contains no elements iterator Returns an iterator over the elements in this collection.


Integer Typings

Yeah, it sucks, but 61B actually teaches you something that 61C should be teaching you - type conventions and integer radices, bitwise operations etc.

But good news is that it's not as hard as 61C, so yeahhh?

Java Integer Primitive Types Taken From CS61B Fall 2021 Lecture 14 by Prof. Hillfinger

We will touch on how Java represents its integers in memory later on...

But for now, think about how many numbers can each type represent?

Say we have an integer type that has n bits to store, we know each bit position can take 0 / 1 as its value, so how many numbers(N) can this type represent?

N=2nN = 2^n because we can take 2 different values for each bit position and we have n different positions!

Convert Numbers

We have number 159 in decimal, how do we convert this into binary?

159=028+127+026+025+124+123+122+121+120=128+16+8+4+2+1159 = 0*2^8 + 1*2^7 + 0*2^6 + 0*2^5 + 1 * 2^4 + 1*2^3 + 1*2^2 + 1*2^1 + 1*2^0 = 128 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1

Thus 159 in binary is 0b010011111, I left the leftmost 0 there to avoid confusion with negative numbers.

Then what is 159 in hexidecimal? I love to view it starting from binary perspective

159 = 0b1001.1111

You see that I removed the front 0 because each 4 bit corresponds to a hexidecimal character.

159 = 0x9F since 0b1001 = 9 in decimal, and 9 in dec. corresponds to 9 in hex, and 0b1111 = 15 in decimal, and 15 corresponds to F in hex.

Note: A lot of confusion when talking about bitwise memories is the notion of Bit and Byte
And also just a side note: Let's say our data is 0xABCDEFGHIJKLMN, let the alphabets represent bit positions, we say that the N position is the LSB(Least Significant Bit), and A position is MSB(Most Significant Bit)

Just for a little bit extension and fun, see how this idea of MSB and LSB extends to the unit of byte and how data is laid out in memory (a concept in 61C)

Overflow - how does java deal with bigger number than type bounds?

Ans: Using finite fields, overflowed numbers will always be "wrapped around".

Complex Two's - How java represents signed integers

So basically the MSB(bit) is used as a sign(0 for positive, 1 for negative).

And when the sign is positive, just interpret it as an unsigned value.

If the sign is negative, you can calculate the value of remaining bits as k, and suppose your integer type has n bit positions, the real value of your memory is (2nk)-(2^n-k)

For example, if I have a 16-bit integer, a value of 0b1111111111111111(16 of 1)

we would interpret it as k=0b111111111111111=32767k = 0b111111111111111 = 32767, and the value of it being val=(216k)=(3276832767)=1val = -(2^{16}-k) = -(32768-32767)=-1

Easier two ways to convert complex two's negative values:

  1. flip the bits first and add 1 to the final result.
  1. minus the number by 1 first and then flip the bits.

The two methods both work!

Think about this representation, why not just use first bit as the positive/negative sign and the rest bit as magnitude? Well the "magnitude" representation also exists and you will probably learn it in CS61C. But think about our complex 2's representation - adding 1 to max positive(in binary, a zero bit followed by arbitrary 1 bits) will result in a new sign bit of 1, followed by arbitrary 0 bits and the result will be exactly the min negative representation in our complex two's - so the java overflow automatically happens inside circuit logic - how cool is that! And also think about addition...
Addition in Complex Two's, an overflow bit of 1 is generated but discarded.

Bit operations in Java

DescriptionAND(Bitwise Mask)OR(Bitwise Set)XOR(Bitwise Flip)NOT(Flip ALL)
A op B00100100101011111000101101011000
DescriptionLeft ShiftArithmetic Right (Sign-extended right shift)Logical Right (Zero-extended right shift)
A op B011010001111010100010101




We will define cost first.

In engineering scenarios, there are lots of costs, including:

  1. Operational cost(for programs, time to run, space requirements).
  1. Development costs: How much engineering time? When delivered?
  1. Maintenance costs: Upgrades, bug fixes.
  1. Costs of failure: How robust? How safe?

Currently stuck in lecture16 Complexity

In 61B we use asymptotic bound to determine the time complexity of a program

What does this mean?

We will use notion fO(g(x))f \in O(g(x)) where g(x)g(x) is an coefficient-free function based on N, the size of input of function f.

We have O(g)O(g) being the upper bound (f(x)g(x)f(x) \leq g(x)), Θ(g)\Theta(g) being the tight bound (f(x)=g(x)f(x) = g(x)) and Ω(g)\Omega(g) being the lower bound(f(x)g(x)f(x) \geq g(x))

Amortized Time 平摊时间

Note that there's also the concept of amortized time: actual costs of a sequence of N operations are c0,c1,...,cN1c_0, c_1, ..., c_{N-1}, which may differ from each other by arbitrary amounts and where ciO(f(i))c_i \in O(f(i)).

Now if there exist another sequence a0,a1,...,aN1a_0, a_1, ..., a_{N-1} where aiO(g(i))a_i \in O(g(i)).

If k(0i<kai0i<kci)\forall k (\sum_{0 \leq i < k} a_i \geq \sum_{0 \leq i < k} c_i) then we will say the operations all run in O(g(i))O(g(i)) amortized time


Traversal Order

Depth-first traversal (dotted path) of a binary tree:

  • Pre-order (node visited at position red ●): F, B, A, D, C, E, G, I, H;
  • In-order (node visited at position green ●): A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I;
  • Post-order (node visited at position blue ●): A, C, E, D, B, H, I, G, F.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_traversal



Takes in a binary stream and outputs a fixed-length interger

Hash Table

Array called "buckets" to store Linked List of items

Load Factor = L=N/ML = N / M where N is the number of items stored and M is the bucket size

Open Addressing


Heap can be viewed as array representing a priority queue, which the 0th item of the array is discarded.

Heapify: we have an array already, and we can heapify from the middle index downward moving up an index for each operation

Merge Sort

divide data in 2 equal parts; recursively sort halves ⇒ merge results


Partition data into pieces, everything > a pivot value at the high end of the sequence to be sorted, and everything ≤ on the low end

Usually the pivot is chosen as the median between first, middle, and last element

When the array is small enough, use insertion sort

Insertion Sort

Start with empty sequence of outputs, add each item from input, inserting into output sequence at right point.

Inversion Sort

Shell's Sort

Radix Sort

Sort keys one character at a time

we have

The Trie 字典树

Multi-way decision tree with one decision per character of key

Skip List

heights are random

Red-Black Tree 红黑树


Dijkstra's Algorithm

Use priority queue to update distance to every node.

A* Search A* 寻路算法

A hueristic distance is needed, but for consistance the heuristic funciton h(C)h(C) has to be:

  1. Has to follow triangular inequality
    1. h(A)h(B)+d(A,B)h(A) \leq h(B) + d(A,B)
  1. Not too high
  1. having h(A)=0h(A) = 0 for every heuristic value makes it a dijkstra

We will search just like what dijkstra, but we will stop when we take target from queue.

Minimum Spanning Trees

Prim's Algorithm

Start from an arbitraty node, at each step we added the shortest edge connecting some node already in the tree to one that isn't yet.

So obtain a subgroup and another subgroup that contains vertices not selected in the first subgroup. Whatever edges that hasn't been selected yet that connects the first group with the second and has the smallest weight will be selected.

Kruskal's Algorithm,

Sort the edges by their weights, everytime check if the smallest edge would add a cycle to the graph. If it doesn't then it gets added to the graph.


Shannon-Fano Coding

Huffman Coding 哈夫曼编码

LZW Coding (multiple symbols per codeword)


  1. Start with a trivial mapping of codewords to single symbols
  1. After outputting a codeword that matches the longest possible prefix X, of the remaining input, add a new codeword Y that maps to the substring X followed by the next input symbol.
